Material scientists admire graphene. It has shown a great promise to change the material science world. Although some of the prototypes of the following applications have already been tested, they are yet to become commercial. Graphene ApplicationsHere we list 5 possible graphene applications that is going to shock you.

5 possible graphene applications

1. Fast Charging Batteries With Longer Lifetimes

Longer charging time for batteries has always been a problem for modern electronics. Also, the battery life is a concern when it comes to choosing an electronic device. These problems are likely to be solved by the use of graphene in batteries.

Samsung has already developed this type of fast-charging batteries. The charging speed can be further amplified. We may use batteries that take only a few minutes to charge in the future. And soon a time will come when we don’t need to operate our device using the power cable.

The application of graphene can further help the electric automobiles. Imagine having charge stations for electric vehicles as the gas stations. They could deliver full charge to the batteries in equal time as required for refueling a vehicle. This would alleviate the only problem using an electric vehicle.

2. Solar Panels That Can Be Attached To Any Surface

Solar panels come in frames. These panels are not versatile. The use of graphene in solar cells can make them flexible. The flexible solar cells can be easily kept on any surface you like. We can keep graphene solar cells anywhere, the way we like.

This may help making architect designs more wonderful by making them power source. With inbuilt lighting systems generated from the solar cells embedded in them, they can be much beautiful. You can roll solar cells like paper and can take it anywhere you like. Your outdoor trips can be much fun with the light that you can power anywhere in the light.

3. Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices with Foldable Screens

Electronic devices have rigid screens. But, the use of graphene can introduce flexibility in those devices. These flexible screens can enable us to roll our phones like a paper. It is believed that Chinese companies are already developing commercial flexible graphene screens.

The flexible devices can be used to make several wearable devices. How cool it would be to have a jacket with screen and you can change the theme as you like? When a whole jacket is a screen, you can customize it to a new one every day.

4. Faster Processing Integrated Circuits (ICs) and Transparent Electronics

ICs are the widely exploited graphene applications in modern days. All the electronic devices rely on ICs. The processing speed depends upon the response time of the material of ICs. Graphene has high electron mobility and can show fast response to inputs. This could increase the processing speed of devices by 1000 times.

These ICs are made up of tiny transistors. Graphene transistors are under research. As soon as graphene transistor excel, it will replace semiconductor transistors in modern ICs. Since it is the thinnest material known, it can also reduce the size of the processors. This will further miniaturize electronics.

Things get much interesting as these ICs get transparent. This could bring a drastic change to electronic devices and introduce transparent electronics. Transparent phones and televisions have appeared in sci-fi movies but graphene can bring them to life.

5. Lighter, Efficient and Transparent Airplanes and Automotive

Graphene applications in airplanes and automotive revolutionize air transportation. It can make airplanes lighter as well as tougher. The lighter airplanes would consume less fuel. It can also make the airplanes safer by protecting airplanes from lightning.

Flying would be more awesome in a transparent plane. The advancement in graphene applications can one day make us fly in transparent airplanes. It would get interesting as well as frightening to fly in such planes.

Moreover, the automobile industry has always attempted to push graphene applications to its pinnacle. Graphene derivatives have already been used in the automotive industry. The carbon fibers, rolled graphene is already popular in automobiles. This has made automotive cheaper and tougher.

The automobile industry can utilize more of graphene derivatives than single-layer graphene itself. The use of carbon fibers and other graphene derivatives have gained popularity in modern times due to their low-cost fabrication. Although, the introduction of single-layer graphene can transform automobiles in the future.

Graphene applications is likely to transform the world. However, the bench-marking of graphene and its related products has been a formidable task. But the future has a lot to offer and we, the researchers should continue our tireless efforts to objectify the promises of graphene.

Ashwin Khadka is a PhD Scholar in Nano Energy and Thermofluid Lab in Korea University, Republic of Korea under Korean Government Scholarship Program. He has a Masters Degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He is a science enthusiast, researcher and writer.